September 30, 2024: Traditional Romescaires Contest of the Serrallo of Tarragona.
May 19, 2024: New edition of the Cambrils Romescaires Contest, which some Romescolab collaborators attended.
Interview with Guillermo Fernández (Romescolab) by Marina Pérez, from the Arran de Mar program, on Tarragona Radio (March 15, 2024) -in catalan-
In the book Cuina catalana oblidada del que encara es cou i es menja (Xesco Bueno, Ed. Larousse, 2021, catalan), we have discovered a surprising recipe for Romesco de roe deer.
Our follower and friend Erik (currently living in New York) dared to try one of our recipes, specifically the quick Quick “Romesquet” for two people. Although it turned out to be a bit of a bathtub, as is typical of the beginner romescaire, it seems that he and his wife enjoyed a lot (Don’t worry, Erik, we all have many “bathtubs” under our history and in a very short time you will get it). They used the closest peppers they could find around (photo on the right).
Jordi Bertrán sends us a curious photo that Pere Lluís Huguet took and shared. In a restaurant in the English town of Ripon, a pasta dish was offered accompanied by lobster in a Romesco stew. The menu refers to “Tarragon sauce”. Unfortunately, no photo of the dish is preserved, but it seems that it was not unworthy at all.
October 21, 2023: a wonderful and well-deserved article dedicated to Antoni Gelabert, in the Diari de Tarragona, in the Maireta i seitó section by Jordi Bertrán (catalan):
September 17, 2023: Report about the Romesco and the Serrallo in the RTVE La recepta perduda. Romescolab collaborated with the editorial team (catalan).
July 22, 2023: Complete interview in Diari de Tarragona with a recently awarded living legend of El Serrallo, Mrs. Joana Costa, who, among other interesting things, also talks about Romesco (catalan).
July 20, 2023: One of the reporters of the TVE program called Ahora o nunca, is invited to make and try a wonderful Romesco at the Serrallo Ca l’Eulàlia restaurant (from minute 43:40, spanish):
July 15, 2023: Annual popular Romescada in Sta. Coloma de Queralt. The Friends of Romesco from Sta. Coloma de Queralt, always working hard and doing their traditional cod Romesco recipe so well.
July 9, 2023: Gessamí Caramés (Cuines program on Tv3) offers an octopus Romesco (Catalan, with the possibility of subtitling).
May 2023: the X Gastronomic Days of Romesco are held in Cambrils, from May 12 to June 4, 2023.
February 2023: an ew book by David Solé and David Bea dedicated to the intersections between cooking and beer: Cervesa i país. Historia y cocina de las cervezas catalanas (catalan). This book contains an interesting recipe for a Romesco of rice done with beer with atlantic pomfret. David Solé already surprised a Romesco of rice in his 2003 book, in that cooked case he recommended optionally adding tuna or swordfish.
February 10, 2023: article in Diari de Tarragona on the relationship between the Romesco and the Roman Circus (we do not preserve better quality).
January 2023: Within the “When objects speak” program of the Tarragona History Museum, Romesco is mentioned on a small printed card of 14.5 X 10.5 cm (catalan).

January 11, 2023: support arrives from Europe for the promotion of Romesco.
October 23, 2022: XXIX Edition of the Mestres Romescaires Contest in the Serrallo de Tarragona.
September 2022: Romesco promotional video published by Tarragona Turismo.
July 2022: Josep Ramon Tules (Pitu Mosquits), cooks a blackmouth catshark Romesco (moixina), for the initiative El Serrallo ve de gust, of Tarragona Tourism.
The Sindicat d´inciativa i Turisme, a cultural association from Tarragona that, since 1951, promoted the Romescaires Masters Contest of Tarragona in its fishermen’s neighborhood (El Serrallo), scheduled its V edition in Cambrils on July 6, 1969. Since then, Cambrils has also been organizing Romescaires Masters contests based on the same format and taking care of every detail to offer a great experience to the participants and attendees. We encourage Cambrils to continue supporting the Romesco with so much interest, enthusiasm and professionalism. In the photo, Enrique Alonso and Guillermo Fernández, from Romescolab, participated last Sunday, May 22, 2022, in the Romescaires Masters Contest organized in Cambrils.
Last Sunday, April 3, 2022, Guillermo Fernández offered a talk on Romesco in the Assembly Hall of the Museu del Port de Tarragona. With a lively audience, Guillermo unpacked some basic aspects of the quintessential Tarragonan seafood stew, highlighting the importance of the Romesco being vindicated and defended by the public authorities of Tarragona as the great heritage asset of the city that it is. As a special first, in this session it was announced that the traditional Concurso de Mestres Romescaires (created in 1951) will fully recover from this year 2022.
Clotxa. Cuina d´Arrel Popular. An association interested in developing and diseminate the traditional catalan culture and cuisine of the Tarragona regions.
Report to Manolo Quero in Diari de Tarragona (Maireta i seitó section, by Jordi Bertran, December, 4, 2021) -in catalan-
(Paper version):
Repor to Manolo Quero in Diari de Tarragona (Maireta i seitó section, November, 27, 2021) -in catalan-
Interview to Guillermo Fernández (Romescolab) by Núria Cartanyà, from the program Què de què, from Tarragona Radio (November 10, 2021) -in catalan-
Article by Eduard Boada in Diari de Tarragona (October 18, 2021), recalling different moments of the Mestres Romescaires contest of the Sindicato de Iniativa y Turismo -in catalan-.
Article by Jordi Bertrán in Diari de Tarragona, reflecting on the origin of the title of one of the historical records of the Catalan Rumba, recorded by the legendary Gato Pérez: Romesco -in catalan-
Romesco de Tarragona chopped (for 4 people), by Oscar García from El Taller Restaurant, in the Serrallo of Tarragona -in catalan-.
An interesting article in La Vanguardia about Romesco de Tarragona and romesco sauce.
October 28, 2020: Mercè Prado from El Pósit, prepares a monkfish Romesco for the TV1 program Como Sapiens (starting at minute 23.13):
Interview with Guillermo Fernández (Romescolab) in the program Degustar España on Radio 5 -in spanish-(Juny, 27th, 2020):
The Romesco of Tarragona that Guillermo Fernández cooked at El Bulli within the framework of the elBulli1846 lab, on August 29, 2020.
Article by Jordi Bertrán about this website in the Diari de Tarragona (February 1st, 2020) -in catalan-
The Serrallo Residents Association (maritime neighborhood of Tarragona).
New in press about the recovery in 2019 of the traditional contest of Mestres Romescaires (October 3, 2019).
Conference of the fisherman and romescaire Josep R. Tules (“Pitu Mosquits”) in the Jornada de la cuina del peix de Palamòs (November 28, 2009) -in catalan-
Celebration of the 125th anniversary of the paper edition of the first Romesco of Tarragona recipe, in the Nova Tortosina fishing boat (May 11, 2019).
Article by Jordi Bertrán in the Diari de Tarragona: El Romesco: de Josep Pla, a la Maneleta (June 23, 2018) -in catalan-
Video of the XXVII Contest of Mestres Romescaires (Sta. Tecla 2014).
IV Gastronomic theme days of Romesco de Tarragona (from November 5 to 17, 2019).
V Gastronomic theme days of Romesco de Tarragona (from October 1 to 18, 2020).